Financial and technological benefits

of the fish-friendly Hydroconnect hydrodynamic screw


Assured of a good future

Through the possibility of fish migration both upstream AND downstream, the Hydroconnect hydrodynamic screw is already a solution today for the future requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC.



Compared to other fish bypasses and residual water machines, the solution from Hydroconnect is more economical as a general rule, can be realised with very little space, and pays for itself by the continuous electricity production.


High energy efficiency

Due to the gap-free drum design of the environmentally-friendly Hydroconnect hydrodynamic screw, there is no loss of water at all. 100% of the residual water is used for energy and achieves electrical efficiency of between 65% and 70%.


Low speed

Thanks to the slow turning speed, the fish are transported upstream or downstream with very little effort and 100% injury-free.


Easy assembly

The pre-assembly at the factory and compact design make the installation of the hydrodynamic screw easy. Compared to turbines, the excavation work is relatively minor.

Ecological benefits

of the fish-friendly Hydroconnect hydrodynamic screw


Low space requirements

The compact design (3 solutions in one system) facilitates its installation even in existing power plants and in tight spatial conditions such as in gorges or built-up situations. The townscape or alternatively landscape is protected to a great extent in the process.


Ecological balance ensured

Even microorganisms can pass through the Hydroconnect hydrodynamic screw safely. That way, the ecological balance in the waters is maintained in the best possible way, which is an important requirement of EU WFD 2000/60/EC.


Injury-free fish migration

Studies by the Institute for Hydrobiology and Water Management at the University of Natural Resources in Vienna (BOKU) document the injury-free passage in the fish lift. It happens voluntarily, effortlessly and is possible for all fish sizes and ages.